Description: D&D club is for anyone who wishes to be a player or game master in Dungeons and Dragons. Dungeons and Dragons is a fantasy roleplaying game where characters, and storytellers, work together to bring a story they create to life using rules from the game, dice for random chance, and their own creativity to solve puzzles and face challenges. Whether you are new to the game or have played before, D&D Club is a place for you to enjoy a good story with fellow students.
Time Commitment: This club meets biweekly from 3:20PM to 4:35PM for pickup at 4:45PM.
Current meetings are: 9/20/2023, 10/4/2023, 10/18/2023 (this is also conferences for GDS, this will still be an optional meeting and a chance to meet club advisors!), 11/1/2023, 11/15/2023, 11/29/2023, 12/13/2023, [no meeting, winter break], 1/10/24, 1/24/2024, 2/7/2024, 2/21/2024, 3/6/2024, 3/20/2024, 4/3/2024, 4/17/2024, [no meetings, AP Testing break], 5/29/2024.
Eligibility Requirements: None.
Contact Person: Matt McLaughlin (